Quartz Cuckoo Clocks

Our quartz cuckoo clocks are battery operated and require 3 "C" cell batteries, they will operate the clock for 8-12 months. The 2 pine cone weights are for looks only and do not move down as they do on our 1 & 8 day mechanical cuckoo clocks. The pendulum will swing side to side but it is the quartz crystal that regulates the clock within 1 minute a month accuracy. The hourly cuckoo call is an actual recording of a real cuckoo bird and another cuckoo returning the call,
Engstler Kids seesaw Rocking Horse
Product ID : 4916QMT
Engstler Bell tower house
Product ID : 444 QM
Heidi Chalet Quartz Cuckoo
Product ID : 422/3 QM
Engstler/Alexander Taron Quartz House # 422 QM
Product ID : 422 QM
Engstler/Alexander Taron Carved Birds Quartz Cuckoo
Product ID : 640 QMT
Small cuckoo chalet with side dancers
Product ID : 424 QMT
quartz 5 Leaf, 1 Bird cuckoo
Product ID : 522/1 QM
410 QM Engstler/Alexander Taron Quartz Cuckoo Clock
Product ID : 410 QM
River City Multi-Color Quartz Cuckoo M8-08PQ
Product ID : M8-08PQ